Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Daily Blog (Jan 31): Anna

From Tuesday, Jan 31st: ​Room 16 started the last day of January by having most kids SSR (silent sustained reading) while the others went to Read Naturally. When everyone was back in class we started our next math chapter: adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers. We did a worksheet and corrected last night’s homework, which was called invisible integers. Continuing with math we did some work with our 6 o’clock partners called an integeresting maze and complete the square. Room 16 then rushed out to recess at 10:30, where there was the first half of a final flag football game.   ​Upon returning to class we read Nothing Ever Happens On 90th Street, which is about a girl who is writing a story on a street that “nothing” ever happens on. The whole class then sang “Happy Birthday” to Jackie, Nick B., and Mrs. Shooter, and celebrated with cupcakes. The first group went to computers after that and the rest of the class started their rough drafts of a suspense story. The whole class went to lunch at 12:30. ​ ​After lunch recess the second group went to computers and the first group did the same as the second group did. Afterwards the first group and Mr. McMurray picked up the second group at the computer lab. The whole class walked down to choir where we sang with Mrs. Steidell! School ended at 2:50 and the students went home or to an after-school activity.     I’m Anna, and I’ve got the sass from the class!

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