Saturday, February 4, 2012

Daily Blog: Kailey (Thurs, Feb 2)

Hi. My name is Kailey and I’m the Roving Reporter for today, Feb. 2. To start out the day, Mr. Mc. Murray talked to us about our progress reports and how we would be getting them later. After that, we took out our math homework about adding and subtracting integers. While we took out our math, Mr. McMurray did lunch count and attendance. Read Naturally left when we were done. Last night, some kids did certain problems and others did the whole page. After, we took out a page out of our Problem Solving Math book. The page was about visualizing the problems and then solving them. We did some of the page, but then it was time for P.E. P.E. In P.E., we played basketball. The more edvanced kids helped the beginners and the intermediates with their chest passes and bounce passes. We got our 7th Awesome ticket which means we could have a party. (Earlier this week, Mr. Mc. Murray said if we got 7 Awesome tickets, we could have a party.) So now we get to have root beer floats and get to watch a movie on Monday. After P.E., we finished and corrected the problem-solving page and then corrected it. RECESS After resess, some kids did a make-up science test. The others read “The Artist's Eye” with Mr. McMurray about artist Georgia O'Keefe. All of us drew a picture of something we see every day, based on “The Artist's Eye". We could draw it the way we see it. While we finished up our drawings, Mr. McMurray read “Al Capone Does My Shirts.” Next, we did a make-up spelling test. When we were finished with the test, we talked about how our suspense stories were due on Monday. Then we corrected our “Map of the Thirteen Colonies” homework, and headed to lunch, (which everyone was waiting for.) LUNCH/RECESS After lunch and recess, people went to band and Mira shared her trip to Vietnam with the class. She shared a lot of pictures that everyone enjoyed. Then Mira handed out these balancing toys. After, kids went to strings, while others came back from band. Mira then handed the toys to the kids who didn’t get one before. Then, we cleaned up the room and headed up to the upper playground for extra recess. Thank you for reading my blog and thank you Proctor for the three-day weekend. Once again, Kailey, the Roving Reporter.

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