Thursday, December 1, 2011

Roving Reporter: Mira

Hi, I’m Mira, today’s Roving Reporter! I hope you’ve had a good week so far, and will enjoy my report.                                            

Today we hit it off with our warm ups, which consisted of  subtracting mixed numbers with unlike denominators.                    

Once we were done with that, we walked outside to P.E. It was so windy that many of us felt like we were being lifted off our feet! After we had run a warm up lap and done our usual stretches, we gladly lined up outside the Art Center to get out of the wind. Inside, Mrs. Pane assigned us partners for square dancing. It was somewhat fun, but we were pretty bad at it, and many people were displeased with their partners. When we had finished square dancing, we moved on to Air Raid or StraddleHog, whatever you want to call it. 

The objective of the game is to knock down other peoples’ cones, without your own getting knocked over too. We didn’t receive an “Awesome” ticket, and Mr.McMurray was unhappy.                                                                                                      

Upon returning to class, we went over our homework, which was about multiplying fractions by whole numbers. There were some problems we had trouble with , but other than that it went smoothly.                                                                       Next, we did a “Multiplication Foxtrot” which helped us see patterns in multiplying fractions vs. whole numbers.                   

After that, we had a lesson on multiplying mixed numbers at 10:10.After 20 minutes , it was time for RECESS!!!!!!!!!! As I stated earlier, it was incredibly windy and cold, but most of us had fun.                                                                     

When recess was over, we went over our homework page, PW68. For one homework problem, Mr.McMurray introduced algebra(finally!). It was very informative and interesting.                                                                                                   Moving on, we started a lesson on estimating decimals. It was very easy(some people said it was “first grade math,” which is true, come to think of it).

Unfortunately, many people started passing notes, so Mr. McMurray had to put his foot down: “Anyone who passes notes will automatically get a detention. Passing notes is not appropriate” he said. After he made himself clear, we continued our lesson.                                             

Once we were done with that, we met up with our three o’ clock partners to read the story, Sailing Home. Our instructions were to trade off reading paragraphs in the story.
Then, we learned about our Oral Reports about Explorers we would have to do with the other kids doing the same explorer as us. Mr. McMurray told the class how to get the highest and lowest possible grade.   
Before long, it was time for LUNCH! After we had eaten, some of the class went to Band. The rest of us conversed with our partners, discussing ideas and approaches.                          

Later, the kids that go to strings left. At strings, we practiced going down the D Major scale and were tested. Ms. Dahms, our teacher, gave us Smarties to practice our bow hand with, and once we master bowing, we get to eat it!           

When we returned to class, we wrote our homework down and went home.       

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