Monday, November 14, 2011

Roving Reporter: Ruth

Howdy!  It’s Ruth again! I hope y’all had a nice weekend and’re ready to step knee- deep inter horse muck fer me grande report!

Well, y’might prefer me ta start from the beginnin’, so here goes

It be 8:10 when we line up, all single- file and chattery. Then Mr. McWhat’s-His-Name shows up, yes ‘e does, and we walk quiet- like, careful not ter disturb the classes that started earlier den us.

We came inter the classroom all ready fer class. We started off wit’ da warm- ups, wit’ things like what’s equivalent ta 0.25. Den da first library group departs as we finish up an’ start correctin’ .

Eight forty- five and we go ter P.E., picking up the library group. Ms.Payne announces jump- rope testing and we quick get ter it, workin’ hard fer an AWESOME ticket.

After Physical Education, da 2nd  group of library, yes they depart and soon after return ta correct math, oh, yes, den we go ter our snack recess at ten- thirty, we do.

When we enter da classroom again, we return to correcting- afterwards, we had a special guest named Mrs. Lewis ta give us Music For Minors.

  Den we took a Spelling Pre-Test an’ went to lunch an’ lunch recess at 10:30, an’ Alisa was ever so kind to hand out some special Russian candy.

At one, we discussed our explorer reports an’ went inter a new Science lesson, Our Solar System.

Finally, at two forty- five, we was blessed ter get our homework  an’ run. 

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