Thursday, November 17, 2011

Roving Reporter: Anusheh (Nov 16th)

Hi! I'm Nushi (Anusheh) and I'm your roving reporter for November 16th,2011.

We started off our day with the morning assembly. The Student Council President lead us through the 'Pledge of Allegiance' without the microphone. In fact, most of the assembly's announcements were done without the microphone. This made it difficult for the students to hear at the back rows. Ms. Garcia, our Principal, talked about how this is the last week of the canned food drive for the needy. She also talked about how there would not be any school because of Thanksgiving break. 

As soon as we settled in class, we started working on our warm-ups. After we were finished, we corrected it. Mr. McMurray then collected the Explorer rough drafts by alphabetical order. Then we corrected our Math homework. 

On our Math lesson today, we estimated mixed numbers, and also learned how to rename mixed numbers for substraction problems. Then we headed off to morning recess.

When we came back from recess, we worked on our Explorer brochure with our partners. Then we wrote down our homework - which was few problem on PW56 & PW57. We also had to finish our Explorer recruiting brochures. And tomorrow, we have to turn in a permission slip about a Health Survey. 

That's the run down of the day - and you heard it straight from me, Nushi (Anusheh) - your Roving Reporter for November 16th, 2011 !

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