Monday, November 7, 2011

Roving Reporter: Katia

Hi I’m Katia and today I am your Roving Reporter for November 7, 2011.

This morning, our class did “Warm Ups” which includes Grammar Minutes, Math, and Language Arts. After everyone finished their “Warm Ups”, the first group to our school’s Library went to check out books. 

The other students in the class took the spelling pre-test. At 8:50AM our class went to P.E. We played with jump ropes, basketball, and paddles. In success, our class did an awesome job.

Mr.McMurray went over the class’s math lesson. The class learned how to add fractions with unlike denominators. Mr.McMurray went over some practice problems. 

Afterwards, we had recess where all of the kids wander around the playground. Then Mr. McMurray assigned the class to do page 199 #4-15. Some kids came up and chose a number to work out. The class was very attentive with the lesson. 

Following math, we went in to groups of seven and rehearsed for our theme five review. Then the class went to lunch.

Now we went over our new Social Studies vocabulary for Unit 2, Lesson 1. Mr. McMurray explained what the words meant, like the word latitude is a distance north or south of the equator, usually measured in degrees. 

Then Mr.McMurray went over the class’s homework. 

The PEP teachers came in at 2pm and taught us about how to say no to pressure. Then we talked about what or who gives us pure pressure. Then we re-enacted plays about pure pressure. The bell rang and everyone ran out the door.
Thank you for reading my blog and have a good night!

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