Monday, October 10, 2011

Roving Reporter: Ruth

Hi! There’s something new room sixteen’s parents and students alike must know: students will now be writing ‘Roving Reports’ which are like daily reports on room 16, just like the ones Mr.McMurray has been posting for the past month or so.

I’m your Roving Reporter for today’s activities, and my name is Ruth. I hope you enjoy reading about our eventful day!

We started off our Monday morning with warm-ups, which consist of grammar ‘Minutes’ (focusing mostly on things like predicates, verbs, and plurals), D.L.R. (Daily Language Review, which is basically things like correcting sentences, word analogies, and circling subjects), and D.M.P. (Daily Math Practice, mostly looking at addition, subtraction, math analogies, multiplication in the hundredths, rounding division, and various sorts of word problems). We corrected our warm-ups and half of the class, the first group, left for library, where our school librarian, Ms. Bremer is reading us the book I Survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbor while the other half worked on algebraic expressions with Mr.McMurray.
At eight-thirty, the whole class hurried down to the Arts Center where we go for P.E. when it rains. Since our regular Physical Education teacher, Mrs. Pane, was taking a short vacation to Vegas, we had a guest teacher, Mr. Kim, an enthusiastic football coach and former firefighter who cares very much about fitness. He checked how our push-ups, sit-and-reach stretch, math abilities (inside joke), and flexibility were, and taught us a few new stretches. Mr. Kim then discussed the rules of dodge ball with us and we played four action-packed games that resulted in a tie. As we were about to begin a fifth game, Mr. Kim spotted Mr. McMurray standing out in the drizzle. Room sixteen lined up and the second library group departed.
When ten-thirty came around, all of the third, fourth, and fifth graders skipped out for their snack recess, enjoying the absence of rain.
When we got back to the classroom, Mr. McMurray showed us our October Packet, or early finishers’ packet, which has coloring, mazes, word searches, and other fun activities. (It’s a great time-waster!)  Then some students passed out privacy boards, answer sheets, and test packets. It was time to do our Theme Skills test, consisting of forty language arts and grammar questions.
By then, it was 12:30-fourth through fifth grade lunchtime. We filed out of the door and into the freezing rain. When all of Room 16’s kids came back inside for our indoor recess, we sat down and watched some of the movie ‘Up’
Now it was one o’clock and time to get back to business. We took our spelling pre-test (words that end in –le), and following our spelling, we talked about our new story theme-‘Common Goals’. This week we’re reading a story from our textbooks called The Night at San Juan  (Juan is pronounced ‘wan’).
At one fifty, right before school was let out, we worked on our assigned Social Studies projects, meeting with others studying for the same subject      
Before the bell rang, Mr.McMurray divvied out the homework feverishly and dismissed his class. Kids huddled under crowded umbrellas as they walked to their desired destination, happy to be going somewhere warm and cozy to work on their homework.
Thank you for taking the time to read my ‘Roving Report’! Again, I’m Ruth; over and out!

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