Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Roving Reporter: Jacoby

Hello my name is Jacoby and I am your roving reporter for October 12, 2011. Now let's start our day. 

First, we started off  our day with a flag assembly. At the flag assembly the PTA talked about things such as raising money by purchasing dedication tiles that go on the Arts Center, t-shirts, and Mexican food.  Today was our school’s fundraiser at Chevy’s in San Leandro. Yum! Ms. Perez and Ms. Grebinski talked about our garbage and recycling practices at lunch in the cafeteria. The 4th and 5th graders need to do a better job when they’re done with their lunches.

After the flag assembly was over, we headed to class. The first thing we did when we went to class was work on a writing essay about a time you helped someone. It can be about the time you helped a family member or a friend. We had forty-five minutes to write the essay. I think forty-five minutes is a long time to write an essay. The highest grade to get is a four. The lowest grade to get is a one.

Once that was done we had a chapter four math test. The test had division questions. We spend forty-five minutes on that, also.

At  10:30 we had recess. Recess was vey fun. At our school we have a huge playground. We  have one on the upper field and one on the lower playground.

When recess was over everybody lined up and our teachers came to pick us up. On our way to class everybody was talking. Our line leader is Amanda but, Amanda was not here today. Maybe that’s why people forgot. The line leader is a person that leads the line to class and other places.

Upon returning to class we got all our homework passed out and the homework got collected. After that was over we had to go to different classes to go to math. Some people got to stay at their regular class. The teachers were Mr. McMurray, Mrs. Kerner, and Mrs. Pisciotto.

Finally, everybody went back to their class and packed their things. After that school was let out, and the children began their fun afternoon.

By: Jacoby

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