Thursday, October 13, 2011

Roving Reporter: Mira

 Hi, I'm Mira.  I am glad to be your roving reporter for Tuesday, October 11, 2011.

     We started the day,as usual, by tackling the Grammar Minute for the Daily Warm-ups.  A choice between word endings - like -ing to express the continuous tense or  the -ed for the past tense - was made to complete each sentence.   (For example, an -ed should be added to the verb instead of -ing in “Who invented the Internet?”)  Then came DMP, the math portion of our warm-ups, where we covered some subtractions of hundreds and thousands, graphing, and two word problems.  Our DLR today consisted of antonyms, contractions, and correcting sentences, prefixes and suffixes.  Once everybody had finished their warm-ups, we went over the correct answers  to all of our problems given orally by Mr. McMurray.
     Having gotten warmed up, we had to take a practice test on division and expressions to cool us down.  Most kids found it easy, as we have done this for quite awhile.
    Our recess rolled in at 10:30; we all enjoyed stretching our legs and frolicking on the playground.

    After recess, Amanda brought in the movie “Simon says: Let Stop Climate Change!”  together with a poster for more information about the topic. (Thank you, Amanda!)Through her presentation, some of the things we learned were as follows:

    How carbon dioxide and methane trap the sun's heat in the atmosphere
    Where all the carbon dioxide comes from, namely cars, factories, etc,
    Where methane comes from, such as poop (but poop isn't all bad, it can be used to power homes and manufacturing facilities)
     This entertaining and informative film was followed by our social studies. Jacoby, Ruth, Katia and Amanda presented their project on Native American traditions. By drawings, models and written explanations, this group showed us how potlatches (a special kind of feast) are celebrated, how wampums (a woven beaded belt that recorded important events) look...etc.. They did a great job, and we all enjoyed it.

When that was over, approximately half of the class left for the computer lab. The remaining bunch of kids pulled out the reading book and broke off into partnerships to read the story, "The Night of San Juan." When we'd finished it, we answered questions about it and drew a scene from the story. 

When the lunch bell finally rang at 12:30, we eagerly lined up and left for lunch. 

After that, Group 2 left for the Computer Lab. When we'd settled down on the carpet, Miss Dunn barked: "Go on Pearson SuccessNet and do the problems Mr. McMurray set out for you." The problem consisted of an interactive puzzle, a game about warm fronts and cold fronts, and some videos teaching us about convection currents and other related things. When we completed our science, we were free to do any game related to math on the "C" tab (one of four tabs that include games.)

Next up was choir in the Arts Center, which began with the songs "Heigh Ho" and "Auburn Bird." That was followed by "Never Say Never" (and many loud groans.) After that awful Justin Bieber number, we memorized the names of the presidents so we could sing The President's Song. Most fun of all, we learned a Halloween Hand Jive that consisted of slaps, claps, and knuckle-bonks.

Finally the 2:50 PM bell rang and we excitedly headed home. 

Again, this is Mira, and have a good evening!

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