Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Daily Blog - Kevin (Dec 7)

This morning, as my class all crowded into the nice and heated classroom, we started our day as usual with the warm-ups our teacher, Mr. McMurray gave us. This week's warm-ups are on the physical maps of the United States.

Later, Mr. McMurray assigned a group to go to the school library to pick our selection of two books. My librarian also read a story to us. The book she had read was about the life of the famous baseball player, Jackie Robinson!

Then, as our group was finishing up most of their selections, she told us our group could head back to class. After the other half of the group left for the library, the group which I was in went back to our classroom. There, Mr. McMurray showed us a video about decimals.

When the other half of the class finished, Mr. McMurray taught us a very useful decimal game. First, he showed us how to make a spinner with a pencil, plate, and Sharpie. As we finished our spinners, Mr. McMurray told us that we would have partners. Our teacher explained that we would need to pick three numbers from the spinner. Mr. McMurray also ordered us to mentall solve the equations without writing it down on paper.

As a few children left for band, different students got paired up from left to right. Minutes later, we were let out to our recess break. I played tag with a few of my friends and as recess ended, we got paired again with other children to read the story, Ultimate Field Trip 3.

I got paired up with my classmate, Alex. We switched back and forth reading different paragraphs until lunch. For lunch, I had bacon bashed with scrambled eggs and a big hash brown.

After that, we went to get supplies for the props that we were going to use for the skit held in the school next Tuesday. My father brought a few boxes of cardboard to make the boats and bushes for the play.

It took a long time to cut the cardboard with ordinary scissors. Finally, after about forty-five minutes, we were finally done with a piece of cardboard and were ready to paint. Painting the cardboard shapes was fun because I enjoy art.

The groups then finished all of the designs so Mr. McMurray called us into class again to write down our homework. Then, at 2:50, Mr. McMurray dismissed kids as they left the campus school groups and ended our day.

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