Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Daily Blog - Nathan

Hi friends and family that are reading my blog. Today is a short day so this might be a short story. Okay, let’s begin.

It was raining at school. So the school had to do the morning assembly inside the classroom. The morning assembly is just the principal, teachers, and Student Council making announcements. Our Student Council includes the president, vice president, secretary, and the treasurer. They had to come into the office and make announcements with the principal and the teachers.

This is how it works: first we do the flag salute; then the principal says some bad and good news; finally, our Student Council comes in again and announces student Proctor Pride Point winners.

After that we started our morning warm ups. Our warm ups help us by waking us up and getting us started for school. It teaches us a little about math, correcting grammar, and information about the United States. I wouldn’t say it is fun but it is difficult for some other kids because they have extra classes.

Next, we did a lot of reading for a long time. We were reading the book, THE ULTIMATE FIELD TRIP 3: WADING INTO MARINE BIOLOGY. It had a lot of pages filled with a lot of interesting facts. Since there were interesting facts, our teacher told us to take notes.

The book also talks about middle school kids taking care of the environment. They said that if you sometimes don’t put back the animals or creatures to their proper habitat they might get hurt. That is why you must be careful with what you see and touch.

After all that, we went to our math groups. There are two groups. There are advanced and basic groups. It is very hard to get in the advanced group. Then we went to recess but it was still raining. So we watched movies, ate snacks, and played checkers. Next we went back to doing reading again. Finally, we packed and went home.

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