Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Daily Blog - Daisy

Today Mr. McMurray wasn’t here so we had a guest teacher. Her name is Mrs. I.

I don’t know why, but we didn’t have a flag assembly outside. We had one indoors at 8:00.

After the indoor flag assembly, we did our warm-ups. In the warm-ups we had, geography on the Physical Map of Washington, math reviews, and paragraph editing. 8:00 to 8:30 was the time we did our warm-ups. When everyone finished the warm-ups, we went over them. It took us about 15 minutes to go over them.

Then, Mrs. I. passed out papers with a Venn-Diagram on each of them. We were going to write an essay comparing and contrasting a friend of ours and ourself. But before we could even start to write the rough draft, we had to put information and facts on the diagram. She gave us twenty minutes to work on it. Some people did their friend, best friend, cousin, uncle, aunty, or sibling. After the twenty minutes were up, we started writing the rough draft of the essay. Only a few people finished the essay. I am on the second paragraph of it. I believe we worked on it from about 9:00 to 10:30.

It was now time for recess. Recess ended at 10:50. Mrs. I. came to the upper playground and brought us back to the classroom. Checking our language arts homework was the first thing we did when we got back to class. It was in our spelling packet in pages, 37 and 38 on comparing and contrasting.

Correcting our math homework was what we did after correcting the language arts homework. Comparing and ordering decimals was what it was on. We did a math review page in our math textbook. It was page 47. We worked on that for about twenty minutes.

She assigned homework to us at 11:50. It was noon and time to go home.

She dismissed us and we left. That was December 1!

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