Monday, November 29, 2010

The Daily Blog - Alexis T

Today we started our day with our warm ups doing a mixture of math, correcting grammar, and history.

After, we began practicing our robust vocabulary by getting a partner and reading a story in our textbooks.

At 9:40 we headed to P.E and played one on one games that everyone enjoyed.

After being dismissed from P.E we either stayed to eat our snack, or headed upstairs to play. When the whistle was blown we went to class to reveiw decimals. When Mr.McMurray looked around and saw that the class was done, we went over the problems on the assignment.

Then we began our science posters that describe the outer and inner planets such as Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

As lunch arrived students began to take out their lunch boxes or lunch money. Students waited in line or sat at a table to eat their meals. Lunch came to an end as the last bell rang.

Finally we ended the day with half of our class going to Mac Lab and half rehearsing our Revolutionary War act.

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