Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Daily Blog - Sabrina (Oct 20th)

On Wednesday mornings our day always starts off with our school flag assembly. The Student Council leads us into the flag salute, and then they pick Proctor Pride Points for students to win prizes.

After our flag assembly, our class went straight off to our buddies. In our buddy's classroom we made paper black cats. Once everybody was done, we played with our buddies on the lower play structure. We had about 15-30 miinutes to play.

Soon, half of our class went to Mrs. Pisciotto's class and half of her class went to ours. The reason why some have to go to Mrs. Pisciott's class is because our class is separated into two math groups. We had 45 minutes with the teacher.
After half of us returned back to our classroom, we went to recess. It lasted about 15-30 minutes.

When the bell rang, we had to line up in our row. Mr. McMurray picks us up, then we walk back to our classroom.

We had some time to do our math lesson and then it was time to go home.

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