Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Daily Blog - Felicia (Oct 21)

In the morning we started off our day doing daily warm-ups. At 9:00am we checked the math homework that we did the previous day.

After that, we went to P.E. at 9:40 and while we were playing soccer, there was an earthquake drill. After the drill was over (at 11:15), it was time for snack. We got back in the classroom at 11:55 and did a grammar activity.

Then, at 12:00, we listened to The Night of San Juan on a CD. Then, at 12:30 we went to lunch.

After we got back from lunch it was 1:20 and we were doing Q.B. Club predictions. Then at 1:25 the class did social studies.

Finally, at 2:50, everyone was dismissed.

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