Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Daily Blog (March 18) - Will

When we came to class this morning, Computer Group #1 went to the Computer Lab. The rest of us started our day with Literature Circles. My group is reading “Bud, Not Buddy.” It’s a story of a boy who walks across the state of Michigan to find his father. When Computer Group #2 (my group) went to computers, we practiced typing for 10 minutes and then we had free choice. I played a game called “Crazy Machines.” When we came back to class, we took a reading comprehension test. After that we read our new issue of Scholastic News and we read for about half an hour. That got us to recess.

After recess, Group 2 went to the library and I checked out a book on the ancient Olympics. Back in class, we finished out math packet, and then Group 1 came back and we went to lunch. The cafeteria was out of everything except for yogurt and Baked Cheetos.

During lunch recess, we played tag. When the bell rang, we lined up and walked to class. Then we started our flow chart for Social Studies. Finally, we went outside and played until the end of school. It was another great day for Room 16!

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