When the class arrived in the morning, we said the Pledge Of Allegiance. This is something we do every morning. After we sang, Group A went to computers. After the group left, Mr. McMurray told Group B to take out our writing journals and then taught us C.U.P.S. (Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling), which basically teaches you how to correct, or edit essays.
After learning about C.U.P.S. we worked on correcting our “Best Family Pet” essays. This was fun because everyone had a partner to group up with and it also made this kind of work easier for people because we were helping one another.
Group A finally came back and then the rest of us in Group B went to computers. Most of us really like to go to computers because you get to work on learning how to type which is fun, and we also got to work on strategies using the Clue Finders program. I wish this class was longer because it always seems to go by fast.
After computers it was back to more essay correcting but some people already started on their final copy like Kannen, Isabella, and Krystalina. I think these three are really smart and pretty good at writing.
At 10:30, Mr. McMurray let us out for recess which is all of our favorite time because we get to talk and I get to play flag football with Mr. McMurray. It was the Trojans versus the Crazy Fire Koalas at morning recess and the Trojans won!
After recess we took our Math Journals out. We had to go to page 104 and had to work on numbers 2-6 which was a little challenging to me. We did word problems and learned how to interpret the remainder in division. Sometimes you can drop the remainder. Other times you can increase the quotient by 1. In some problems, you can use the remainder as the answer, or even use the quotient and remainder as a fraction.
Once everyone was finished, Mr. McMurray picked six students to go up and do numbers 2-6. Elliot, Julia, Kannen, Leo, and Sarah did a good job because they got all the problems right. Most of the time, I would say we all like getting picked to do problems on the board. In the end, we had a better understanding of the meaning of remainders in division problems.
Lunch came next and that was a good thing because I was really hungry. I had salami, Doritos, peaches, string cheese, and two Capri Suns waiting for me in my lunch box.
Kannen had spicy Doritos and a mini-Gatorade. Even if Kannen had something good in his lunch, we are not allowed to trade our food, so you better hope your mom packs you something good.
After lunch, we had D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read) while one of the computer groups finished a science assignment on our classroom computers. A little while later, around 1:40-ish, I went with my group to the computers. I watched a science video on air movement and completed a science Spelling Bee. The rest of us had to read to ourselves. After D.E.A.R., we had to finish our Social Studies projects.
My group was allowed to go outside to finish our work. I think it went well for my group because we worked all together pretty nicely.
Mr. McMurray told us to come in and write tonight’s homework down which was to write you final copy of “The Best Family Pet” essay, Math Page 110 (optional) to study for tomorrow’s test, and a math maze using algebraic expressions.
This completed our great day in Mr. McMurray’s class with only a few who had to give up their Mr. McMurray Bucks.
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