Hi, I'm Claire and I'm the Daily Blogger today. Here's a report of what happened today.
First, when we came in we sat down at our desks and Mr. McMurray took attendance. While he took attendance, we worked on our Daily Exercises. Our Daily Exercises are problems we do to start the day and to get us warmed up for the day ahead.
While the rest of the class wasworking on our Daily Exercises, some kids (such as me) went on the computers to do a lesson on science. After we were finished with our Daily Exercises and science on our computers, we saluted the flag.
Then, while the rest of the kids did DEAR (Drop Everything And Read), some kids (such as me) went to band. I play the clarinet because: 1) my name is Claire, so it's a joke; and 2) in my opinion, it's a very fun instrument.
When we got back from band we took a math pretest for our new chapter in math. Our new chapter is prime and composite numbers, exponents, and some other good stuff. As we finished our pretests we headed out for recess.
I mostlytalked about The Sims 2 with my friends. One of my friends was talking about how much she wanted the Night Life expansion pack and I told herI had it. She said, “You are so lucky!”
Meanwhile, other people were doing much more athletic things. For example, some people were playing football and some were watching, and many other things.
Upon returning to class, we dove straight into a lesson in our reading books about our current story, Eye of the Storm, which is about Warren Faidley, a storm chaser. A storm chaser is a person who takes picturesof bad weather, among other things. We did that for an hour and fifteen minutes, and then it was time for lunch.
For lunch I had a cream cheese sandwich, an apple, pudding, and a strawberry-raspberry juice pouch (Capri Sun). Then, we went up to the upper field and played. I played non-racist tag. Apparently, tag is racist. I don't know why.
Today after lunch we did P.E. (physical education). First we did our warm-up lap, then our exercises, then three-quarters of a mile, then our game dribble freeze tag. In this game, taggers try to touch players' balls that they are dribbling. If they succeed, players will stand with their legs apart, holding their soccer ball above their head until another player rolls their ball through the other player's legs.
Once in class, we discussed our lesson on Eye of the Storm, and then moved on. Mr. McMurray gave us each a study guide about our unit on Native Americans we were ending. He helped us with our sheet and let us keep it to study with. Then, he moved on and passed out our homework about spelling. Our spelling words for this week are: thrown,stole, clue, dew, choose, rule, boast, cruise, stroll, route, mood,loaf, growth, youth, slope, bruise, loose, rude, flow, and flute.
As you know, all things will come to an end even if you don't want them to. Otherwise, you would still be listening to your grandma's boring stories or something. If that went on forever, would that be good? Anyway, Mr. McMurray dismissed us and we all went home.
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