Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Daily Blog (Oct 27) - Mason

Today started out with a freezing cold morning recess! I was glad to walk into Room 16 and the sounds of a busy school day. We began class with correcting our math prime factorization work.

Mr. McMurray put us into our science groups by number (1,2,3….) and we got our data and went to work. Mr. McMurray gave us treats as it helped us to work quietly in our groups—he’s awesome!

Boy! The wind did get strong for recess and so glad the field was good to have our football game. It was the Demons and the Trojans, final score 15-15 tie. When it was over, we went back to the science lab. It was fun learning about the weather and storms.

Coming back to class, we worked on our Halloween projects, poems and stories.

For Red Ribbon Week, we had a Rock, Paper, Scissors contest and Ondray won.

Lastly, we worked on our Explorer reports in class and we were assigned our homework. The bell rang. We were excused to go home.

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