As soon as I got to school I put my backpack by my class and walked upstairs to play until school started. RRRIIINNNGGG!!! The bell rang signaling us to freeze. Mr. McMurray was a little bit late in the pick-up, although we got back to class on time.
As soon as we got in, Mr. McMurray told us to get out last night’s homework to review. A few of us including me got all the problems correct! YAY! All the work got passed up to the end of the row for Zeli to collect and give to Mr. McMurray. He told us to open our math textbook to page number 138 for the math chapter test review. A couple of us finished early so Mr. McMurray gave whoever finished early a challenge but I didn’t get to finish.
After the math review we went to the Arts Center to get our pictures taken. The cameraman talked really fast and gave us each a cartoon name. He called me Hello Kitty; G’ana: American Idol Star; Griffin: Tony Hawk; and Hailey: a Hollywood star. It seemed like one minute, although it was actually 15 minutes. I guess time just flies by when you are excited or having fun.
Following the pictures, we went to the Science Lab. We learned about how tornadoes form. Mrs. Foy-Couche showed us some slides about the damage a tornado could do and how many people it would harm. Right in-between science, we had recess. After recess we made a tornado map. Dark green indicates highest probability while light green indicates high probability for tornadoes. Mrs. Foy-Couche told us we could add in hurricane probability for extra credit. Most people wanted to get extra credit so they made it. Mrs. Foy-Couche gave each table a “pet tornado”. We had great fun!!!!
Mr. McMurray came a little bit early to take pictures of our work.
Next, we went to lunch. When we came back from recess, we did some research for our Explorer report. Some kids logged on to the computers to use the Internet. Then, we worked on an activity relating to Social Studies about the Europeans trying to find new routes to Asia. We reviewed most of our work.
Mr. McMurray told us about how he had parking lot duty and we had to hurry and write down our homework in our Binder Reminder. He also told us to remember to take home our homework so we don’t lose our paperclips. HOMEWORK: What causes severe weather worksheet; page 138 in the math book; research on our explorer for our report.
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