The first thing we did today before school was watch Wall-E because it was a rainy day and we couldn't go to the yeard.
Once the bell rang, we shared our weekends and Eric shared a really good one. He said he was going to be at the Raiders football game doing karate. Next Mr. McMurray showed some of us his golden dollars of the presidents because we need to memorize all 44 U.S. presidents for a song we're doing in choir.
Later, when we were done looking at the coins, we learned about prime factorization and did the Problem of the Day in math.
When that was over, we started researching on our European explorers for about 15 minutes.
Next, we stayed inside for recess and watched Wall E. After recess we continued working on our European explorer reports.
Following that, we read a little of Bridge to Terribithia.
Next, we went to lunch and went to P.E. We learned a couple of '50s and '60s music dance moves. Some of the class did not like some of the moves.
Upon returning to class our Student Council Room Reps, Julia and G'ana discussed the Halloween Carnival haunted house. It'll be a grocery store called "Unsafeway."
Our last lesson of the way involved learning about plural nouns. For example, words that end with -ch such as "bench" need an -es ending like "benches."
Next we wrote down our homework and went home.
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