Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Daily Blog (Oct 13) - Krystalina

Today when we got to school it was pouring rain. But when our teacher Mr. McMurray came in he took us inside and turned on the movie, Wall-E, while we waited for everyone to come in.

After that, we started to correct our Daily Exercises quiz from last week. Then, Mr. McMurray told us to do our Daily Exercises that we had not corrected yet. They had things like cursive handwriting, geography, language arts, and math.

Then we got our math kits today and Mr. McMurray let us play with some of the things inside for a few minutes. When he began the lesson, we made a chart that said "Numbers, Arrays, and Factors" in three columns. We classified prime and composite numbers in our notebooks and used the counters to create arrays of counters to determine the factors of a number.

For 12, we created 3 rows of 4, 4 rows of 3, 6 rows of 2, 2 rows of 6, 12 rows of 1, and 1 row of 12. The factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12. Twelve is a composite number.

Afterwards, we learned a system to determine the prime numbers from 1 to 100 called the sieve of Erastothenes (see below).

sieve of Erastothenes

In science, we went to lab and learned about seasons. Like, if the South Pole gets winter the light doesn't shine and if it's winter in the North Pole, it doesn't shine either.

To illustrate this example, we took tennis balls and made them into Earth and put it on top of our fake sun and poined it towards the paper which was winter. We then drew what we saw when we shined the flashlight on it.

Tennis Ball Earth Tilt Model

After science we came back to our class and had recess inside because of the rain. Following recess, we started to learn about tsunamis and classifying information about waves.

We also previewed our new story, Volcanoes, by reading a little background information about the different types of volcanoes. Then we had lunch and recess.
After recess we had D.E.A.R. which is drop everything and read. We heard Angelica, Christian, and K.B. do their Indian project.

At 2:00 we studied for Friday's Social Studies test and to help, we watched the First Americans video about their cultural regions.

The last thing we did was read about European travelers. After that, we got our homework and went home.

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