Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Roving Reporter: Rachel

Hello, hola, aloha, bon jour, howdy…My name is Rachel and I’m your Roving Reporter for October 26, 2011.

Happy Wednesday! We started off our half day by having our assembly, which was special for Red Ribbon Week. First we started off the assembly by doing the pledge of allegiance with our student council president, and Room 16 classmate, Anna. 

There were many different speakers at the assembly, which included a police officer who talked about how healthy it is not to smoke or do drugs, and all the things you can do without them. We also had three people who won the Red Ribbon Week writing contest and got to read their poem at the assembly. In addition, our Student Council Vice-President, Marin, and President Anna wrote a speech about Red Ribbon Week .

After the assembly we headed back to class. We started by doing our daily warm-ups, which included math, vocabulary with antonyms, and Grammar Minute 42, which also helped our language skills. 

Next we did our math lesson. We learned how to make fractions into decimals and decimals into fractions. I’m not a huge fan of math, but it was fun! Then rrrring, it was the bell for our recess break.

After recess we briefly went over language arts. Then it was time for all fifth graders to move to their math group. In my math group, Mr. McMurray reviewed fractions and decimals. Before we broke for the day, the math groups returned to their classes and Room 16 wrote down their homework. 

Then, the last bell rang and school was over. Like me, many people in our class were looking forward to setting up for the fifth grade haunted house.

That’s about the size of it for this Wednesday. I’m Rachel, and from my computer to yours, adios, peace out, adieu and auf wiedersehen! 

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