Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Daily Blog - Alexis S (Nov 2)

On Tuesday we started off doing warm-ups. Some of the people in my class went to the library while the rest stayed in class to work on our Explorer brochures.

Then, after that we did our math work. We checked our math homework to see if we got the answers right. Then, Mr. McMurray was going to teach us how to add and subtract fractions.

Next, we went to recess and played with our friends.

We came back to class and worked on our language arts homework. We had to take one of our spelling words and break it into syllables. After that we got to read Washington Crossed the Delaware.

At 12:30pm we went to lunch and we ate and played with our friends. Our teacher surprised us by reading the last chapter of I,Q. We found out the girl's mother had a twin that died an dher mother is still alive.

Then, we got our math homework which was so easy and our language arts homework. It was fun.

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