Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Daily Blog - William (Oct 14th)

Hi, I'm William. Today I'm going to tell you about my school day.

In the morning we started with warm-ups (the usual). After the warm-ups, we headed straight toward to math. We talked about something Mr. McMurray introduced to us called "The Bubble Method." It's an easy way to do prime factorization.

Then it was P.E. and we ran the mile. My time was 10:49. After P.E., snack time! Today for snack I got a bag of Cheetos.

Later on, we did Reader's Theater. My role for the play was Rob!

So then it was lunch! Today I had a slice of pizza. At lunch recess, I sat in the shade the whole time.

We continued with science. Today we made a chart.

After that, school was over!

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