This morning school began like usual. Everyone came into class at 8:10. The first thing we did was to start our morning routines such as warm-ups like cursive and the geography questions. The geography session today was about a graph of Australia's states and territories.
After the warm-ups we would have such an option of doing challenging mazes or read a book. Then, our teacher, Mr. McMurray had a conversation about the science activity we would do online in class. He assigned groups and partners so we can decide who was going to use the computers this morning. Half of the students in class were chosen to use the computers today and the rest would go tomorrow and the rest of the week. There won't be a group on Wednesday because of the short day.
Later, we did our math facts. Mr. McMurray taught us how to do three-digit multiplication using mental math. Shortly afterwards, we went to P.E. class. We ran a lap around the lower field playground and after we were done, we did our stretches.
My group was the exercise leader for the day so we directed the class to do different exercises. Mrs. Pane, our P.E. teacher, told us to do a quarter-mile run and after, she showed us how to dribble a soccer ball. Then we had a beginner and advanced game of kick or tag soccer.
I was on the beginner team. In the advanced team, we were challenged to kick an opponent's ball while kicking our own ball. On the beginner team, we only had to tag someone out with our hand.
After P.E., we went directly to recess. When recess was over, we came back to complete our math assignment that Mr. McMurray assigned in the morning. Then he read us a book called I.Q. and he decided we would read books of our choice. We went to lunch after the reading and I had an amazing recess.
The class began again in the afternoon with the study of Native Americans. My Native American tribe is the Eastern Woodlands. Then, Mr. McMurray paired students up into groups based on cultural regions. He wants us to trade answers so we could check our problems. After, we got paired up with other groups such as the Pacific Northwest, the Great Plains, and the Desert Southwest.
We switched to a different subject later when we completed our cultural regions assignments and started to work on our science project about the water cycle. The water cycle consists of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.
The day ended with Mr. McMurray telling us the homework which was the math and science pages from the workbook.
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