Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Daily Blog: Benson (Monday, Sept 13th)

Today, when we first arrived at the classroom, we opened our warm-ups. After we corrected our geography questions, we did one of the mazes that was in our warm up packets. We answered the answers very quick. We did some math in that time, I maybe thought it was confusing because I have never learned much about algebraic expressions.

After that, we went to P.E. we played Sputnik. In the groups 1-4 lost by 0-2 and 5-8 won with 2 points. We were playing continuous, so we barely hit both of them because everyone could almost catch the balls hitting the far side. Also, we tried practicing “calling all kids” twice. After we finished P.E., we went to recess.

When we came back, we did some language arts and spelling. After that, we read “Line Drive.” When we finished it, we read our books in our desks. After that, we went to lunch. There was a choice of meatball sandwich or chicken nuggets.

When we came back in from lunch, we did some SSR then we did our science packets until about 2:48. After we put everything away, we went home and enjoyed the rest of our night.

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