Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Daily Blog (May 13) - Will

It was a normal day in Room 16, except for two exciting things: it was Tommy’s birthday today. He turned 11 at 8:34 a.m. And the competition for the Student Citizen of the Year Award advanced. The two kids that get to continue on from our class are Sarah and Julia. The other people that didn’t make it were Claire, G’ana and I.

We started off the day like any other Thursday, with Computer Group #1 going to the computer lab, while Group #2 stayed back for our Literature Circles. When it was time to switch, Group 1 stayed back and we went on to work on our Power Point presentations.

When we returned, we read some of our reading book: The Grizzly Bear Family. When we finished, we talked about experiences we had up close to wild animals. Mr. McMurray told us about an encounter he had with a grizzly bear. Then we finished and went on to recess.

We got out early and had doughnuts (brought in by Tommy to celebrate his birthday). Then the other classes came and we went out to play. Some of us played Knock Out, some of us played kickball and others played on the field.

When we came back, Group #2 went to the Library. The Librarian read a story to us called “The Seven Chinese Brothers.” Then we returned to class and worked on our state reports. Then Group 1 returned and we worked on our reports a little more. Then we went to lunch and recess.

When we got back to class, we reviewed our homework. And then we wrapped up the day by working on our Revolutionary War posters and went out early to play kickball.

That’s the way it was in Room 16!

P.S. Happy Birthday, Tommy and congratulations to Sarah and Julia!

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