Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Daily Blog (March 31) - Zeli

The morning started out when Mr.Berk picked us up from the play ground up on top. We came to class and checked our math homework. Then Mr.Mcmurray came and told us that it was time to go to Too Good for Drugs.

We did some activities in our books and then one of the classes has a box of question and she pulled a peace of paper and answered it. So Deputy Costeiu did a couple of those. Then it was 9:30 and class ended.

We came back to class and finished the rest of the homework. When we where done it hit 10:05 and it was RECESS!!!!

Recess was fun and then we came back to class. After that, Mr.Berk told us to get in our Literature Circle group and see what job we have for tomorrow. That took about 20 minutes.

After that we got our 6 o'clock partner to do our flow chart project on the American Revolution. We worked on it until 12:00. That was fun.

Then 12:00 came and school was out. Woo!!!

So that's how we ended our half day at school.

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