Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Daily Blog (Feb 17) - Krystalina

Today was a Wednesday so we went to our Too Good For Drugs assembly in the Arts Center with Deputy Costeiu. Too Good For Drugs is when Deputy Costeiu comes and talks to us about making good choices.

After TGFD we went to an assembly featuring The Amazing Bubble Man show with Louis Pearl. He kissed bubbles, made people laugh, and put kids inside of a bubble (including our teacher, Mr. McMurray). He made cool things like square bubbles and a moon bubble. The moon bubble was a regular circle bubble but there was smoke or some kind of mist inside of it.

When we left The Amazing Bubble Man show we went to recess. Following recess we did our biography reports. Ondray went first as Crazy Horse. Zeli went second as Rosa Parks. Kailani went third as Laura Ingalls Wilder. Brandon went last as Abraham Lincoln. They all did great!

After we went back to class got our homework and left for home.

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