Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Daily Blog (Dec 2) - Ethan

It’s Wednesday and we started our day with our morning assembly. When we sat down at the blacktop, we did the flag salute and heard some announcements about the December Gift Shop. Then the recipients of the Proctor Pride Points were drawn. When the assembly was over, we walked to the classroom.

The first thing we did in the classroom was to warm up problems on Math. Next we corrected our Math homework. From 9:30 to 10:00, we did our Language Arts Centers with rooms 15, 18, and 19. Afterwards we all went to recess. When recess was over, we returned to our classroom and read the story “La Bamba” in our reading books. From 11:15 to 11:45, Mr. McMurray talked to us about our field trip tomorrow. Next, we had to complete our Newspaper Book Reports particularly the Graphic Organizers which had to be finished today.

Finally, Mr. McMurray did not give us homework so we were thrilled! Shortly after, the bell rang and it was time for dismissal. It was indeed a short day for us. But definitely everyone in Room 16 was looking forward to the next day! We were very excited and couldn’t wait for tomorrow’s field trip at the AT&T Ball Park!

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