Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Daily Blog: Bella

Today room 16 came to the room and sat down and did the indoor assembly and reveiwed how great it was yesterday with the guest teacher and the middle school visiting.  

Today EVERYONE knew it was going to be a big day. Room 16 lined up in backwards line order and headed down to the cafeteria for STUDENT COUNCIL ELECTION DAY! 

Our candidates were ready. 

Running for student body Treasurer was Aleah, Sofia, Tanya, and Paige all in fourth grade. Running for student body Secretary was Linsey P., Katia, and Rachel all in 5th grade. Running for student body Vice President was Katleyn, Isabella, Noah, and Jordan all in 4th grade. Running for student body President was Alisa, Lindsey M., Myles, Kathy, Sarah, and Olivia all in 5th grade. 

Then when everyone was done with their speech our class headed back to room 16 to vote.

When we got back, we took out our narritive essays and secretly voted 4 at a time.  Then we corrected each others essays to check for mistakes. 

After every one had voted and corrected an essay, we made the last artifact for our scrap book. The artifact was about a famous painting by artist John Gast called American Progress and we wrote about it and drew what we thought an American settler would think about American Progress.


After recess we reviewed what should have been in our scrapbooks by this time. Then we started drawing the picture of our American Progress until it was  time to correct our math homework from last night. 

We did math lessons on word problems with writing equations until 12:00, and then went home after writing down tonight's homework assignments.

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