Thursday, October 20, 2011

Roving Reporter: Anna

Rm. 16
October 20, 2011

Today was a lot like the others by starting off with our warm-ups.  Next, we corrected them. After that, we went to P.E. In P.E. we took the push-up test, which you can either get into one of the following groups: wall, bent knee, bench, or full body. When we got back we had a short time before our recess, which came early due to the disaster drill at 10:20.

                   Our principal, Ms. Garcia, announced over the intercom to stop, drop, and cover. We quickly evacuated into our lines on the upper playground. The drill was being done all through California, and it lasted about an hour.

                   When we came back in the classroom we turned in our personal narrative essays, and five students read their essays aloud to the class. Then we corrected our spelling packets, except for the students who got 100% on the spelling pre-test. After we took the spelling test, which was followed by lunch.

Upon returning to class, we corrected our math homework from last night. Mr. McMurray then taught the class how to cross multiply, which can tell you if two fractions are equivalent. Soon after Mr. McMurray assigned our homework and we went home at 1:50 due to parent-teacher conferences.

        Today was just a normal Thursday, except that all the students were super excited because… NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY!!!

I’m Anna, and I’ve got the sass from the class!

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