Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Daily Blog: Mr. McMurray

This morning we began the day by completing our warm-ups packets and diving headfirst into our new chapter on decimals in math.

Warm-ups included a grammar activity on identifying different types of sentences, such as declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory and correctly punctuating them.

Our math lesson started with a quick review of last night's homework which focused on decimal place value. We reviewed some of the most challenging problems from the practice workbook and did some board work on value, place value, and writing decimals in standard, expanded, and word form.

This morning's lesson was entitled "Model Thousandths." Using graph paper, a ruler, and colored pencils, students learned how to draw a decimal square. The 10x10 square is divided into 10 rectangles, each of which represents 0.1 or one-tenth. Those 10 rectangles are divided into 100 squares, each representing 0.01 or one-hundredth. Finally, each square is divided into 10 rectangles, each representing 0.001 or one-thousandth.

After taking things step by step, and checking for understanding, the class was given a couple of decimals to model using the rest of their graph paper (0.614 and 0.281). We wrapped up this  morning's lesson by sharing out on the board what those decimal models look like.

After recess, the class split up with their 12 o'clock partners and we went outside to read "Line Drive" by Tanya West Dean. After 15-20 minutes of partner reading, we came back into class to check the predictions we made about the story yesterday. 

Following this discussion, I introduced this week's writing assignment which is an autobiographical composition. Students need to think of a challenge they have faced and what they did to overcome it. The end should be the lesson they learned through the experience.

This brought us up to lunch.

When we returned to class we began reviewing Lesson 1 in Social Studies on the different cultural regions of Native Americans. We discussed their natural resources, different types of shelter, and the geography of the different regions in a compare / contrast exercise.

We finished around 1:55pm and prepared for choir by recording tonight's homework assignments in Social Studies (pg 10), Math (pg PW10 and LS10) and Language Arts (pg 7 & 8). Then, we left for choir in the cafeteria.

Mrs. Steidell led the 5th grade through vocal warm-ups, "America the Beautiful" and introduced a new song, "Never Say Never" by Justin Bieber, which was greeted with loud groans.

At 2:50pm, school ended and the class was dismissed for the day!

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