Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of School!

The 2011-12 school year got off to an exciting start. It was a pleasure to meet each of our 26 students and families at the door before the 8:05am bell. Students came armed with supplies and met their classmates as the day began.

One of the first activities of the day we pulled out was our Warm-ups. This daily activity involves 20 questions covering language arts, math, and grammar. That means every week the class will have 100 warm-up problems and that much more practice reviewing important skills and keeping our knowledge as sharp as ever.

Around 8:50am we left the classroom for our first trip to Mrs. Pane and Physical Education. She covered her expectations and had the class complete some exercises before they returned to class.

Once we returned to class we corrected our 20 warm-up problems as a class by having volunteers share out the answers. Today's grammar involved deciding if each of the 10 sentences were complete or incomplete by putting a C or I on a line next to the sentence. In math, we reviewed addition, measurement, and problem-solving. And in language arts we had sentence editing, rhyming words, and contractions. It's a great way to enter the class and immediately focus on school work.

Before recess the class played "Howdy, Partner!" which is a getting-to-know-you activity. Students visit with their classmates and are supposed to have them sign-off on things they've done, such as:

  • ride a train, 
  • attend a sporting event, 
  • have an autograph
  • have more vowels than consonants in their name
  • the youngest child in the family
  • traveled to a foreign country
  • etc.
Recess arrived at 10:30 and students lined up with their snacks and we headed for the upper playground. I was on yard duty so I joined the class. Students split up with friends from other classes on the grass, tan bark, blacktop, and played a variety of games.

Back in class around 10:50 noticed that our school supplies had arrived. We took time to organize our binders and dividers pages with the following labels: VIP (Very Important Papers); Homework; Math; Language Arts (for spelling packets); and Science (for Science Packets). I also organized our extra paper supply on the back table, and we sorted through our tissue paper / Klee-nex boxes.

Once that was complete, we began working on the first diagnostic test of the year: a beginning of the year 5th grade math test. I advised the class that some of the problems would be easy, and some would be hard. I told the class to do the best they could on each problem, but don't worry about the problems that seemed too hard.

Right before we began the test, a new student arrived in the office and was warmly welcomed by the students in our classroom. Then, we commenced working!

Most of the class was busily working on the BOTY math test when 12:30 arrived. We made our way to the cafeteria for lunch which was followed by recess on the upper playground until 1:10. I brought the class back to the room where they resumed working on the BOTY test.

As students completed the test they turned in the answer sheet and test packets to their mailbox. I handed them their new 5th grade binder reminder and they signed two cards we made for the two other 5th grade classes to wish them a great year ahead.

By 2:20pm, all students had completed the BOTY math test and turned our attention to the language arts focus wall for a preview of Theme 1: Finding a Way. Our first activity involved sorting the spelling words on this week's list. The pattern involves closed syllables and words with short vowel sounds. From there, I put up the homework assignment on the board having to do with spelling in our Practice Book, and a place value activity from Lesson 1 of the Math Problem-Solving Book.

All students were ready for dismissal after a brief clean-up, check-in with their neighbor to make sure they had all the right papers for tonight's work, and a special thank you from me to the class for their hard work throughout the day.

I'm looking forward to another productive day tomorrow as I get to know the class, and as they begin mastering the 5th grade standards!

Good work, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Right back atcha Mr. McMurray! my daughter came home raving about her day, felt it went by so fast, too fact in fact she said! Looking forward to a wonderful year. Love the blog, thanks for the connection!
