Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Daily Blog: Mr. McMurray

Wednesdays at Proctor are just a bit different. We kicked things off with a 30-minute school wide flag salute assembly on the lower playground, led by Ms. Garcia. She announced Back to School Night which is tomorrow beginning with a staff introduction at 6:45pm, and two sessions beginning at 7:00pm and 7:30pm, for parents only.

Yours truly made two announcements about an information meeting for 4th and 5th grade students interested in Student Council after school next Wednesday. The other announcement had to do with Noon League Football sign-ups which go around next week. Ms. Perez and Ms. Grebinski did a recycling demonstration for lunch time procedures in the cafeteria. Afterwards, Ms. Garcia dismissed everyone to go with their teachers to class.

When we arrived in class we began the day, as usual, with our warm-up packets. We practiced identifying the complete subject and complete predicate today in grammar. In math, we practiced multiplication skills. I collected music program sign-up sheets and took attendance during the warm-ups.

Following the warm-ups, the class pulled out their bio poems and we worked on completing those for about 20 minutes. I had a Student Interest Inventory for everyone to answer questions about themselves following the bio poems and before we corrected our homework. All unfinished bio poems and surveys were to go home for completion tonight as homework.

Homework correction was next which consisted of reviewing conflict and resolution in language arts that was based on a short story about a girl named Christy who was trying to make the cheerleading squad. In math, we corrected a practice worksheet on finding the value and place value of numbers in the billions.

We were ready for a break and at 10:30am we went to recess. A few students volunteered to continue working on their bio poems and a couple of students needed to finish up a few problems on their homework in the office during recess.

After recess I shared samples of graded persuasive essays with the class that were scored as a 4, 3, and 2. This set the stage for our entry-level assessment in language arts which began with a writing assessment. Students were to write a persuasive essay, and following the essay, begin with the reading comprehension section of the assessment and work their way to the end.

Time did not allow students to complete the entire assessment, so at 11:50am we put it away in our warm-up folders and took out binder reminders to record the night's homework and prepare for dismissal. We spent a few minutes tidying up the room and at 12 noon, students were dismissed.

Another successful day in Room 16!

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