Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Daily Blog - Sabrina (Jan 25)

This cold morning, our class selected a state to do our state reports on. I got Kansas and my friend Sylvia got Florida. AFter that, half of our class went to the library and the other half stayed and corrected our warm-ups and math homework. When our class was back together, we did a math lesson. Time passed when we did that. At 10:30 we all lined up to go to recess.

After recess, we corrected our grammar homework on possessive and reflexive pronouns.

Our class watched a science video, and then worked on a project from chapter 2, lesson 1, on physical and chemical changes.

We then went to lunch at 12:30 and upstairs to recess.

Right after the bell rang, our teacher, Mr. McMurray picked our class up to go back to room 16. He let us read out state books from the library so we can find out more information.

At approximately 1:50 we talked about writing letters to the governor of the state we chose! our class loved the idea. Mr. McMurray said one time, the first letter he got back was from Maine! After that we wrote down our homework, and then out to play on the lower play structure for a while.

The bell rang and that's the end of the day. YAY!

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