Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Daily Blog - Ester (Jan 4)

First thing in the morning at school we did warm-ups. These were some of our warm-up questions:
  1. 97,203 - 59,868
  2. 3.69 -0.01
  3. 5/6 or 7/8: which is bigger?
  4. Which lakes and rivers share a border with the US and Canada?
  5. Which part of Canada is very mountainous? Name the mountain ranges.

Then, the first computer group went to the library while the second computer group was correcting homework. After that, we switched, read I Have a Dream, and chose two books from the library.

In the middle we had our math lesson, and some of the kids had to leave for band practice. The math problem/lesson was "Zeros in the Product." This is a random example: $19 x 0.7 = 13.3 (answer).

Plus, after math lesson, we had recess. Next, we had a practice spelling bee. When it was your turn you would stand up, listen for your word, say the word, spell it, and say it again. Close to last, we had lunch recess. During lunch recess, we had the 1,000 Club. The 1,000 Club is working on a 1,000-piece puzzle.

Almost last, we had silent reading. Get a book and read. Our homework was page 79 from our Practice Book, pages 104-105 from our history book, and last we had page 308, Set D from our math textbook. When that was over, we had free play!

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