Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Daily Blog - Esmeralda (Nov 15)

The class came in and put down their backpacks. The president came up and we started the flag salute. After, we were started with the flag salute, the class sat down.

Mr. McMurray passed out the Theme 2 Skills Test and Mrs. Lyerla came in and she did fluency testing. Then we started with the test.

After it passed a few hours, we went to P.E. The class satrted the two warm-up laps. After we were done with the warm-up laps, we did all kinds of exercises: jumping jacks, running, and more.

A few minutes passed and it was recess. After recess was done, we went inside the classroom. We took out our math notebooks and we started writing math. Today in math we learned how to divide fractions.

Then we did page 206, Sets D and E. Then we went outside and read.

After we read we went to lunch and then to computers. First, Group 1 and then it's Group 2. Then, finally, we did some math and then we went home.

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