I apologize for skipping a day. I wound up being very busy on Wednesday. So let's get right to it for Thursday, September 9th!
The first thing this morning was warm-ups and daily geography. After we discussed the geography questions about globe lines (equator, prime meridian, hemispheres) we corrected last night's homework on narrative forms and plot: conflict and resolution; and rounding whole numbers. Several students volunteered and shared out their answers and strategies for solving problems on the homework. A couple of students turned their late homework from Tuesday into the "Better Late Than Never" drawer at the Homework Center.
We then went into a small group activity in our textbooks as part of our Earth Science unit. We're studying water and so today half the class was responsible to fill out their Lesson 1 study guide describing the ocean, and the other half was to complete the Lesson 2 study guide on fresh water.
The class worked right up until we left for P.E. at 9:40am. Mrs. Pane took over and led the class through exercises and a recreational activity until recess. I picked up the class at 10:50am and headed back to wrap up our lesson in science.
Back in class, I paired up kids who studied the ocean with a student from the other half of the class studying fresh water, and together they shared out their study guides and by the time we finished, had Lesson 1 and 2 completed! We learned about the hydrosphere and how much of the earth's surface is covered with water (3/4); the five oceans of the world (Pacific, Atlantic, Southern, Indian, and Arctic); and how ocean water temperatures are affected by warm ocean currents and their closeness to the poles. We learned about the different types of fresh water: rivers, ice, and son on.
The class then began working on Rope Burn by completing a grammar activity on complete sentences - declarative and interrogative. We also reviewed our vocabulary words for this story. And lastly, we studied the writing trait, voice, by writing a note to a new student as if we were Richard, the main character from the story. A few volunteers shared out their notes, and we agreed that Joshua had really captured the essence of putting "voice" into your writing. He earned himself a cool $5 McMurray Bucks for volunteering and sharing out his note.
To close the activity I had the class turn to a neighbor and share their note with each other, and afterwards I asked for those who felt like they had heard another excellent note to share out.
Before lunch, I distributed the QB Club Week 1 prediction sheet to the class and they made their picks for this weekend's NFL games.
After lunch, much of the class began finishing their Coat of Arms. I made it clear that I was only going to display the best effort of every student and some of the Coat of Arms I was seeing did not appear to be done to the best of the ability of the student. We clarified the expectations and many students wanted to put some additional finishing touches on their work.
From there we dove into our lesson on estimation of sums and differences using rounding. This lesson built upon the concept and skills from yesterday's lesson on rounding. The class took notes, practiced a few problems, and shared ideas.
Lastly, I distributed the Yellow Pages Expert Forms to the class and we discussed how each student could discuss with their parents tonight what they are experts at and how they might rank and describe themselves as skilled in three areas.
This led to filling out our binder reminder and reviewing all that we had learned today. The kids were ready to go at 2:50pm and we had finished another successful day!
Next Monday, it will be the students of Room 16 that begin posting on the blog. I am excited to turn this responsiblity over to them!
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