Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Daily Blog (March 24) - Krystalina

Today we did the same routine in the morning. Today was Wednesday which meant the morning flag assembly.

After that, we went to Too Good For Drugs. It is only for 5th graders. We wrote down what our goals were and three things we liked about 5th grade.

Afterwards, we went back to class, and the other kids who didn't share their Science Fair projects yesterday shared today. The Science Fair is tonight from 6:00-8:00.

Then we left for snack recess. When we came back to class we corrected our geometry homework. After that we went to set up our Science Fair projects in the cafeteria. My project was hard to set up because it was all tangled up.

When we left for class, we did some math with protractors with our 9 o'clock partners. Mr. McMurray taught us how to measure and draw angles.

Finally, we got our homework, packed up, and left for home at 12:00pm.

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