Monday, January 4, 2010

The Daily Blog (Jan 4) - Rada

Happy New Year to everybody!

I hope you enjoyed your winter break.

Here we are at our first day of the second trimester of 5th grade. This morning I didn't wake up so happy because it was so early. But by the time I got to school I couldn't wait to see my friends, and of course, my teacher. Long time no see!

First thing in the morning we shared our winter breaks. Then, a couple of kids did science on the computers. Then we moved onto writing. For today we had to write a paragraph about the New Year 2010!

In math we worked on dividing fractions ( I like this! ) while the kids in band left. Finally, at about 10:00, we had silent reading outside while the returning band students came back and had a math lesson.

After recess, for language arts, Mr.McMurray read us, Among The Hidden. It was a great story!

Then we did our Daily Language Practice and read all about the space scientist, Mae Jemison.

After lunch we had P.E. and came back to the classroom with a history video awaiting us!

Last but not least we wrote down our homework and went home!!!

What a great day. See you tomorrow!


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