Hi, I'm Claire and I'm the daily blogger for Wednesday, November 18!
When we came in today, Mr. McMurray told us to read. Then, he stopped us and announced that today was Julia's birthday. We all stood up and sang "HappyBirthday" to Julia..."Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happybirthday dear Julia, happy birthday to you." And then, as most kids do here when it's someones birthday, everyone (except me) said, "Cha cha cha, ooh lala, HiYa!" And while saying "HiYa" they all took their hands and karate chopped their desks (not succeeding), and then all said "Ouch!" They are silly, in my opinion.
Julia then passed out red velvet cupcakes. Some had chocolate and vanilla frosting and others had just vanilla. Yet others had just chocolate. I got one with vanilla frosting on it. Then, while Mr.McMurray got ready for the school day, we ate our cupcakes while reading.
When McMurray was finally ready, we corrected our math assignment that we had for last night. We had to do all of the even numbered problems last night, but I did the whole sheet for extra credit.
Then, the whole 5th grade went outside and the 5th grade teachers took turns talking about the new program they were starting with us called "Language Arts Centers" and then we 5th graders asked questions. Once we were done, we all went into our classrooms and then it was time for recess. While at recess, I ate a bag of Goldfish Colors and then played Chase with my friends. Chase was simple, yet fun. One of my friends said that I'm harder to catch than a chicken. I took that as a compliment.
When we got inside some kids shared their Explorer Reports. The kids and their explorers were: Eric with Columbus; Julia (the birthday girl) with Hernando Cortez; Andrew with Marco Polo; Mason with Francisco Coronado; Brandon M. with John Cabot; David with Columbus; and Marcus with Francisco Coronado.
Once we were done listening to the Explorer Reports, Mr. McMurray told us to clear our desks and put our backpacks outside. Then, once we were all inside,he passed out privacy screens, answer documents and test booklets to us. He told us that these were for the First Trimester Language Arts Test. He told us to put up our privacy screens, and look with him at some of the problems inside the test booklet. He told us that tomorrow we would be taking the First Trimester Language Arts Test and talked to us about it.
Then, we were dismissed.
That was our day. It was fun and went by quickly, in my opinion. And that is all.
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