Thursday, April 19, 2012


The day before our exciting field trip to Chabot Space and Science Center (CSSC), we were privileged to enjoy a special presentation on renewable energy by one of our parents, Nalini Webster, who is a Senior GRC Specialist (Field Services) with PG&E.

This topic was the focus of today's workshop at CSSC and so it went hand-in-hand to have this special visit on Wednesday morning. We enjoyed a Power Point Presentation describing various energy sources in California and effective ways to reduce our energy usage. 

We were brought outside to see how we can harness the energy of the sun in a variety of ways. Mrs. Webster showed us model solar-powered cars and this (see below) Sun Oven which she was baking cookies in!

All the students received rulers, pencils, pens, LED keychains, and the solar-powered cars as gifts from PG&E, and more importantly, a great lesson on energy that got us in shape for Thursday's trip to Chabot. Thank you very much for you time, talent, and energy, and for the many thoughtful gifts, Mrs. Webster!

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