Monday, November 16, 2009

The Daily Blog (Nov 16) - Marcus

At first when we came in the door we did warm up math questions. It was multiplying fractions with mixed numbers.

After we did the Problem of the Day , we spent more time math multiplying fractions .

Then all the kids went to band and we read our books.

After band we shared our weekends, and then it was time for recess. There was a football game the Koalas won, 12-0.

When we returned to class, Mr. McMurray read from our new book, Among the Hidden. Following that, we read a story called Michelle Kwan: Heart of a Champion and we wrote and checked our predictions about the story. After reading, then we shared our predictions then we read the letter from a fan of hers after that we read the Michelle Kwan story.

It was time for lunch. After lunch, we had P.E.. It was fun. We played soccer.

At the end of the day, we shared our book reports. They were great. Then we went home.

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