Friday, October 5, 2012

ROOM 16 UPDATE from the desk of Mr. McMurray

It’s October already! Thank you for the visits and checking in with me about your child’s needs so far this year. You can always reach me here in the classroom after school for any reason.

Speaking of which, please find your child’s Parent Conference invitation in the V.I.P. section of their binder tonight. If you do not find it there, I am still waiting to hear back from you on the blue form that was sent home last week. Let me know tonight ( if that might be the problem and send me a few times that are most convenient for you. I’ll try and make it work.

Keep in mind that conferences are 20 minutes long and I book them back-to-back throughout each afternoon. If it looks like we’re going to need more time, I will schedule a follow-up appointment with you.

Also, please be right on time for your appointment. I do book them against one another and I have 32 conferences to complete next week alone. If you are more than 10 minutes late, we will have to reschedule. I have family obligations to attend to after my final appointment. While I would like to stay and make up the time we missed, that is not going to be a possibility.

Please sign and return the slip on Monday.
A special thank you to all families that are contributing to the “World of Color” project that I’ve posted for our class on the charity-website, Donors Choose. We are down to $736 remaining dollars. I appreciate any effort you can make to donate, or if you know of a business looking to support your child’s class, this would be a great opportunity. The end goal would be a color printer here in class which will make not only a world of color, but a world of difference with our projects.

This week we completed Chapter 4 on division. Your child’s test with a special “Test Corrections” sheet is in their binder tonight. Please review and correct all items to bring back to school on Monday.

We will be moving into prime and composite numbers, exponents, and prime factorization in Chapter 5. I anticipate another visit from our Math Coach, Ms. Penn, in the next week. She teaches a specially-crafted math lesson with tools and strategies that not only help the class, but help me to teach more effectively.

Next week we complete Theme 1 with a summative test on all the grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and reading comprehension strategies covered this year. Students will act out a Reader’s Theater piece entitled “The Secret Ingredient.” All class and homework assignments will be a part of that review.

Students are completing a Personal Narrative writing assignment. They now have received all of the notes and corrections necessary to make an excellent typed, final draft. Please remember to double-space and use size-14 Times New Roman font. If you are unable to print the final draft, simply e-mail it to me and I will make sure it gets printed. Essays are graded on a 4-point grading scale which covers content, organization and structure, and writing conventions.

I am currently reading Bud, Not Buddy as a read aloud to the class. I am going to launch our Reading Olympics next week with the class. It’s more of an ongoing project that we will complete – independently – throughout the year. It involves reading appropriate-level chapter books for your child with accompanying projects. Students will work their way to the Olympian, Bronze, Silver, and ultimately Gold Medal this year. Details to come!

We have completed Unit 1 on The First Americans with last night’s homework on Lesson 2 and 3. A review will be underway of all that we’ve learned on Native Americans and a test administered next week, probably on Wednesday or Thursday.

Meanwhile, students are hard at work on completing an American Indian Album which contains four parts. They have the outline of those projects in their binders. Part II, which is about tribes in their assigned region, is to be completed by Tuesday of next week. Part III which is about the customs and traditions of tribes in their regions, will be due by Thursday. On Friday, we will share out after doing some additional work on Part IV in class.

We kicked off our new chapter on Weather by watching a Bill Nye the Science Guy special on atmospheric pressure. Mrs. Foy-Couche did an exciting demonstration on air pressure in the lab by crushing an aluminum can. That video is available on our classroom page:

Our next lesson is on air mass, a large body of air with similar properties all through it. We will learn that air masses form when air stays over an area for some time and takes on the temperature and water vapor of that area. Winds move air masses. We will learn about the four different air masses around the world, warm fronts and cold fronts, and cyclones.

The class has earned three straight AWESOME tickets for good behavior  at P.E. with Mrs. Pane. Five AWESOME tickets = class party. That could happen as soon as Monday when we earn ticket #5. They’re going to have to earn it, though, as the class will be running the mile once again!

We’ll be going to the library this coming Monday. Please check to make sure you have your library books when you come to school.

The September book and software orders are due to arrive any day now. I have a parent that is going to help sort through those orders. I’d like to send them home ASAP so keep an eye out for those this coming week.

Kindest regards,

Mr. McMurray

Monday, September 17, 2012


HOMEWORK (Mon, Sept 17th) that is due tomorrow:

(a) MATH - Ms. Penn's Multiplications Pattern Assignment

(b) MATH - Test corrections if you scored 11/16 or less. Parents, students can complete a make-up test to improve their Chapter 1 results. That will take place this Friday, Sept 21.

(c) LANGUAGE ARTS - Vocabulary worksheet for Lesson 2 words. Complete each column of the chart (synonym/antony
m; definition; picture with accompanying sentence).



(a) Character Essay ROUGH DRAFT on Richard, the main character from our first story, "Rope Burn." Students have a graphic organizer ("Getting Into Character") that they've completed as an outline for this paper. I distributed a sheet of instructions this afternoon to explain this assignment.


(a & b) Weekly Warm-Ups in Lang Arts & Math.

(c) Also, the Spelling Packet for Lesson 2.

(d) Final draft of the character essay (typed)

Let me know if you have any questions!

Monday, September 10, 2012


Tomorrow (Tue, Sept 11th) after school in our classroom (Rm 16) there will be a meeting for all 4th and 5th graders interested in running for Student Council office.

Mrs. Utsumi and I are the SC advisors and will be distributing packets for all interested students. The meeting will last between 10-15 minutes.

Council meetings are typically after school on Wednesdays and the Fall term runs through January.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012



Thursday, September 6 

This is for PARENTS ONLY.

Staff Introduction (Lower Playground) - 6:45pm

Room 16 with Mr. McMurray
Session 1 - 7:00pm 
Session 2 - 7:30pm

Thursday, August 23, 2012


The school  year begins next week on Tuesday, August 28, and I am looking forward to it! There are some exciting new changes coming to Room 16 and 5th grade at Proctor this year.

I hope that you find this blog, as well as our Facebook page: to be a big help in keeping you dialed in to all of the activities we're up to this year!

This year marks my 12th year in the classroom at Proctor. It's a special year because my oldest child is now entering 5th grade. Boy, how time flies!

For more information on school events, you'll enjoy visiting the calendar at the Proctor website:

We'll see everyone next Tuesday!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


The day before our exciting field trip to Chabot Space and Science Center (CSSC), we were privileged to enjoy a special presentation on renewable energy by one of our parents, Nalini Webster, who is a Senior GRC Specialist (Field Services) with PG&E.

This topic was the focus of today's workshop at CSSC and so it went hand-in-hand to have this special visit on Wednesday morning. We enjoyed a Power Point Presentation describing various energy sources in California and effective ways to reduce our energy usage. 

We were brought outside to see how we can harness the energy of the sun in a variety of ways. Mrs. Webster showed us model solar-powered cars and this (see below) Sun Oven which she was baking cookies in!

All the students received rulers, pencils, pens, LED keychains, and the solar-powered cars as gifts from PG&E, and more importantly, a great lesson on energy that got us in shape for Thursday's trip to Chabot. Thank you very much for you time, talent, and energy, and for the many thoughtful gifts, Mrs. Webster!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Room 16 Update: April 2-6

Good afternoon,

Just a few important reminders about this week coming up:


Your child's State Report is due on Tuesday. I will be collecting the following items:
  • typed or neatly written final draft, which should include a title page, bibliography, and state symbols coloring page
  • Presentation Board
  • 3-D project
We will share the State Reports in class on Tuesday and Wednesday and the projects will be on display in the classroom Wednesday night during Open House for all to see and enjoy.

FIELD TRIP: "Into the Woods" @ Chabot Elementary School on Wed

This Wednesday, April 4, we will attend a musical theater production of Stephen Sondheim's "Into the Woods" as performed by the boys and girls at Chabot Elementary School. We have parent chaperones that will need to meet at Room 16 at 9:30am. We will depart by 9:40am and the performance begins at 10am. Most likely, it will run 90 minutes and we will be back on campus at Proctor before our noon dismissal.

Thank you to all parents and especially the last two parent volunteers who stepped up on Friday.


This Wednesday, April 4, is a big day for Proctor Elementary School. The annual Art Show and Open House will take place between 7pm and 8pm. Please visit the classroom to enjoy a closer look at all that we've been doing!


Due to Parent Conferences, school will be dismissed at 1:50pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday this week with our regular 12pm dismissal time on Wednesday.


If you would like to visit to discuss your child's progress, I will be available between 2pm and 3pm every day this week. I can meet at later times (between 4pm-5pm) on Tuesday and Thursday. Due to Open House, I will not be available this Wednesday. Please e-mail me and we can arrange a time that works for both of us.


We need drivers to take 10 students on Thursday, April 19, for our upcoming field trip to the Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland, CA. Please let me know if you are available and willing to help out on that day. We will leave campus by 9:15am and return to campus by 2:50pm.


We are now in Chapter 23 (Analyze Data) with one chapter to go in the textbook. Students particularly struggled on our Chapter 21 (Area) test. This week we will review area (triangle, parallelogram, rectangle, square) and re-do that exam. I really want to make sure we have sufficient time to prepare for spring testing, however, there are just a few spots with "area" that the class obviously did not master prior to the exam. So we need to revisit a couple of lessons and put in some more practice this week before we can move on. Meanwhile, we're going to continue studying graphs and data analysis in our current chapter this week. We'll also be assessing surface area and volume this week in Chapter 22. That was just a two-lesson chapter.


We will be reviewing Theme 5 this week in light of the fact that we are going to complete a Theme Skills Test on Friday covering every grammar, vocabulary, spelling, reading comprehension, and writing skill covered over the past five weeks. Kind of a big deal. Those skills we will thoroughly review this week include:
  • READING COMPREHENSION: Author's Purpose and Perspective; Literary Devices
  • WRITING FORM: Persuasive Composition
  • WRITING TRAITS: Sentence Fluency; Organization
  • GRAMMAR: Action and Linking Verbs; Present Tense Verbs; Subject-Verb Agreement; Past and Future Tenses; Perfect Tenses
  • SPELLING: Words with Word Parts in-, out-, down-, up-; Words with Word Parts -ation, -ition; -sion, -ion; Words with Silent Letters; Words with Unusual Plurals
Students will also complete an Oral Reading Fluency test. Minimum grade-level standards for words correct per minute is 139.


Students are studying Chapter 4 on Body Systems: circulatory, respiratory, urinary, and digestive. We completed an art project related to the parts of these systems in class and for homework this past week.

Your child recently completed the Chapter 3 test on cells and cell parts. You can review their progress and score on that exam when it goes home tomorrow. 


It was our pleasure to enjoy the Walk Through the American Revolution this past Tuesday in the Arts Center via California Weekly Explorer, Inc. 

We will be studying our state capitals this week with a special packet of all 50 states and capitals. I will have weekly quizzes through April and a culminating 50-state quiz at the end of next month.

OK, that's all for now!

Mr. McMurray